The fees we charge reflect the location of the care home, the type of care, the standard of accommodation we offer and the services we provide.

The tariff applies to all prospective residents, regardless of whether they are paying for their care themselves or being partially funded, for example by a local authority or primary care trust with relative top-up.  We will confirm the fees with each prospective resident before arranging admission to the care home.

Here are our current costs

  • Basic dependency: £1285 per week
  • Medium dependency: £1369 per week       
  • High dependency: £1540 per week  
  • Respite care:  From £1465 per week (based on needs assessment)   

Kindness is central to everything we do and the care of our residents is paramount. An exceptional level of care is provided by our dedicated staff with 24-hour personal care. We are also able to offer a higher level of care for those residents who become unwell or develop more complex health needs as well as end-of-life care. All residents are assessed as per their person-centred needs, we will discuss the appropriate level of care needed.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would simply like to find out more about Friars Mead, you can contact us.

Visit us

If you would like to book a visit or come and spend some time at Friars Mead to see if it’s right for you please contact us to arrange by using the contact us form on this page.

Let us know what you need…